Hi it is Astro Ally again from Venus Rising Event & Evolutionary Planning
Summer officially begins when the Sun enters Cancer on Tuesday the 21st. Cancer energy is the Moon’s energy, comforting, nurturing, and in tune with the emotional body. Family is always a big emphasis during Cancer season. Get ready for all the family reunions, family vacations, and family weddings. Make as many memories as you can with friends and family, and enjoy the fellowship at BBQs and pool parties. Summer is a happy time, with the warm loving comforting Cancer energy in the air. Have a great Cancer season!
Mars is at HOME in his powerful sign. Did you feel a shift in the air? A tiny bit more aggression coming from the peanut gallery than usual? I was hoping this would help my football lineman son. I sometimes chant the cheer "be aggressive… be aggressive". Where is the universe calling you to be a little more aggressive in your life? You are in LUCK because Jupiter also enters your sign and gives you a slight bit of luck or blessings this season. Bountiful Jupiter has a plan for you, keep your eyes open so you can spot the good fortune he brings. With the Sun in your 4th house of family enjoy the extra special moments you get and pour a little water in this house of your chart.
Sol Sisters! This Solstice is for you, as the Sun moves through your 3rd house of communication and learning. Is there a craft project, maybe a book, podcast, blog… girl get out there. This is your time to “grab the “BULL” by the horns” and take action. See what I did there. HA. By communicating your ideas and interests, sharing your creative ideas leads to collaborative projects. With all the grounding energy Taurus possesses as Mars moves into sign later in the season expect jolting energy that may give you the spark you need to tackle ANY project. So do what you do best Taurus, bring together the crew, and make it happen!
Money, money, money…. money! The Sun moves through your second house of income and abundance this season. So yes there could be an added gift of resources available to you, but no that doesn’t necessarily mean money. It is likely the universe is saying it is time to level up. Do you have a side hustle that is taking off? If you don’t ask for a raise you know you won’t get one. With Venus, the goddess of love, abundance, and spirit in your sign a sales pitch or large account may just be heading your way. Use that persuasion and swagger to your advantage Gemini friends… let's find that needed passion and make that second house blossom!

Happy Birthday my little watery friends! Cancer season is upon us and you should feel right at home! The Sun will be traveling through the first house of your chart. This placement will put the attention on yourself, your body, your skin, and your wardrobe. How do you present yourself, is it time for an update? Chatty mercury pops in midway to give you an opportunity to articulate words to feelings that may have previously been hard to explain. Mars brings in your tribe the social group after July 5th when Mars enters your 11th house of friendship. Get out and get social it is CELEBRATION TIME…
The mighty lion rests! The Sun moving into your Twelfth house of Spirituality this season gives you time to reflect listen to the quiet and recharge. Regal is the way of the proud lion however in the 12th house we must make time for self-reflection and alignment. This fire sign enjoys the splash of cool water in cancer season. Cooling off is a good thing from time to time! With Venus in your 11th house of friends, a pool party or trip to the lake might be just what the universe had in order.
We want to party. With Cancer season cosmic energy afloat things may transition from solo endeavors to group activities quickly. The Sun is shining brightly on your 11th house of friends and groups so lean into this season of connection, think NETWORK! Mid-season Mercury moves into the 11th house as well to offer connection and communication, verbalizing the plans and efforts of the first party of the season.
As Cancer season gushes into your 10th house career becomes a focus of interest. Don’t be afraid to step up and take that promotion or make a strategic move in your business development. Position advancement or an exciting new client could be on the horizon I don’t know but am excited for you to tell me! Step into your authenticity, your power, your uniqueness! On the 22nd Venus, your ruler enters the 9th house of travel and higher vision. Let the beauty and love the goddess bring to the vision of your future, the vision of your spirit, the vision of your dream. Setting a plan or goal towards your plan helps you to identify the end game and guides your spirit to the tasks needed in the final act.
Cancer season is a friendly water-sister sign. She brings with her a change for the fixed water sign of Scorpio. In the fire house of travel, learning, and prophecy things may be fluid for you. Are you traveling for vacation, for a soul escape, for a class to further your calling? Adventure is calling, the open road awaits, and the peacefulness of different energy may be all the re-boot you need. Maybe the best advice for you is to unplug it and then plug it back in. It all may work out even better than you could have ever imagined. Mars in the 7th House of partnership may just have your bestie tagging along in whatever mischief you find yourself in this summer season.

As a get-up and goer who is the go-to for the PTA, the one that always gets the work done while everyone else stands around talking about HOW to get the work done. The Sun moving through the house of deep emotional bonds and intimate connections inspires the stoic Sagittarius to soften up that roaring fiery aggression. Take this opportunity to slow it down a bit. Maybe turn on the Marvin Gay instead of setting the timer. What is the summer season for, if not to slow down a tad and enjoy what and who is with us on this journey we call life?
Well well, what do we have here? Independent, strong, driven, Cap enjoying a little partnership time. A little give and trust and having to be the v-word… vulnerable. But guess what Cap? It wasn’t that hard was it, it wasn’t that bad at all. You learned a little about letting go of the control and allowing yourself to revive the love and attention you deserve. Partnership is the goal of the 7th house, a balance of giving and receiving. Business deals are on the table and you're ready to go all in.
Are you ready to tackle that day-to-day routine? The need to do, the want to do, the have to do... it all. Now is when the cosmic energy is at its peak for these kinds of activities. Wellness is about balancing the structure of your day and having a well-rounded structure for accomplishing the tasks of your daily life. Venus makes a dash through the self-expression and romance part of your chart. Lean into that area of your chart if you are ready for some creative self-expression. All of the arts come to mind as ways to flourish in this season and maybe learn a new talent or find a new hobby.

Oh here is another one of the water sister signs for Cancer. Lots of yummy gooey emotions with patterns of deep connection, romance, fun, and being flirty. The Sun is in your 5th house where everyone comes to play, entertain and celebrate. Let the connections you forge in the 5th house be of love and grace. Enjoy the spark of energy you feel when someone grabs your attention or you grab theirs. The cosmic winds are blowing through your 5th house, preparing to be swept away. Venus brings her love magic to the air towards the end of the season but I would try to look by best… just in case, Cupid has a couple of arrows left.
Want to learn more about how to leverage astrology knowledge to benefit your life? I suggest reading your Sun Sign, Moon Sign, and Rising Sign to get a well-rounded picture of the coming transits this Cancer Season. Some of you may have 3 different constellations or signs for your Sun, moon, and rising. You may have 2 that are the same and 1 different. If you need help deciphering your natal chart, we do that. Call and schedule an appointment with Ally the Astrologer at the Nice Rock Shop.

Hi, I’m Ally the Astrologer. Come join me each month as we surf the cosmos and learn how the lights that shine in the sky affect the light we carry within. Empower yourself with the knowledge of how energy works. As Above So Below.
I'm also available for personal chart readings. Being able to read your energy chart and “Innerstand” your emotional body allows you to prepare or brace yourselves for the energies that are coming your way. I've joined the Rock Shop team and can now offer you several options to look skyward to learn more about your personal Zodiac.
$35.00 ~ Sun Moon Rising “Big 3” Chart Analysis (30 minutes)
$65.00 ~ Natal Chart Analysis (60 minutes)
$150.00 ~ Synastry Relationship Chart Analysis (parent, sibling, friend, business partner, romantic partner) (can take up to a 90-minute reading)
Any of these options can be in person or virtual.
The Rock Shop, sells healing crystals, books, aura cleansing salt soaps, aura scrubs, aromatherapy, and candles for any of your ritual needs. Contact the shop or stop in for more info. Susan is a Licensed Spiritual Healer Life Coach, Reiki Master, Certified Ho’ Oponopono Instructor, and Light Worker. She and her husband own the Nice Rock Shop at 311 Broadway Street, Paducah KY. Subscribe to her YouTube channel, Nice Rock Shop, follow her on social media, or contact her at NiceRockShop@gmail.com. The website is NiceRockShop.com.
©Copyright 2022, Susan K. Edwards NiceRockShop.com