-by Susan K. Edwards, Licensed Spiritual Healer, Spiritual Coach susan@wildhairstudios.com
When the world explodes in a crisis, empaths can have an amplified response. It's important that you protect yourself and deal with the flood of emotions in a positive, realistic way.
For example, I've never been much of a crier. But recently, as I was writing the prayer for a prayer vigil for a crisis that happened on the other side of the world, I began sobbing rather uncontrollably. Most unlike me. Knowing I'm an empath, I immediately realized I was 'feeling' the nearly global sadness over the attack that had happened.
While I am upset by the events, I knew my sobbing was an exaggerated response. I allowed myself to cry for a while, but also protected myself from falling into a deep depression. See, I knew I was feeling other's sadness, and that unless I put up my 'shields' I could easily be caught up in the powerful fear-based vibrations.